
Ez a domain eladó:

2018 óta tulajdonunkban van.

This domain is for sale:

Owned since 2018


Egy jó domain extra anyagi ráfordítás nélkül is javítani tudja a keresőben elért helyezéseket.
SEO-barát. Javíthatja weboldal keresőoptimalizálási eredményeit.
Csökkenthető reklámköltés.
Idővel sokkal több látogató talál rá a weboldalára organikus módon, különféle reklámtevékenység nélkül, így csökkentheti a reklámra szánt összeget.


Nem mindegy, hogy egy jól csengő webcím van a birtokában, vagy a konkurencia veszi meg.
Emelje ki vállalkozását a versenytársak közül.
Szerezze meg ezt az exkluzív domain nevet, amely tökéletes alapot nyújt egy sikeres online jelenlét felépítéséhez!
Könnyen megjegyezhető: Ideális márkaépítéshez és marketingkampányokhoz.

Miért érdemes ezt a domain nevet választani?

Professzionális megjelenés: A domain név bizalmat épít a látogatókban.
Azonnali használatra kész: Webshop, weboldal, blog tartalololdal.
Kiváló befektetési lehetőség: Egy erős domain értéke folyamatosan növekedhet, vagy landing page kampányokhoz

Vételi szándék vagy kérdés esetén keressen minket elérhetőségeinken!

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy - Hyperbare Sauerstofftherapie!

Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber
1.3 - 1.5 - 2.0 ATA
Rent & For Sale
Mieten und Zu verkaufen

About Us

Luxury Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber For Home
KAMI-KER Kft. is a professional hard shell hyperbaric oxygen chamber manufacturer supplier. We have launched the 1.3-2.0 ATA cabin, which is more suitable for home use and provides hyperbaric oxygen therapy (mHBOT). You can enjoy the benefits of this therapy on your own schedule without leaving the comfort of your home.

We support product customization to meet the specific requirements of different customers. We enjoy working with our customers to develop customized solutions that meet their expectations and market needs.


We give our best knowledge with heart and soul.

Over 200 successful missions
More than 10 000 hyperbaric oxygen therapy hours

1.3 -1,5 ATA Portable Soft Hyperbaric Chamber For Home Use

Activate your self-healing ability!

  • Short term or long term hyperbaric oxygen chamber hire
    A hyperbaric oxygen chamber is available for hire, ideal if you need a quick recovery from a short term illness/injury or if you want to make sure this treatment is right for you before you buy. The minimum rental period is 5 days.
    The price is 1000 per day + transport and the accommodation of the handling staff, who will stay on site the whole time.
    The rental price of the hyperbaric chamber includes:
    Selected hyperbaric oxygen chamber
    10 LPM medical grade oxygen concentrator
    Air compressor/cooler
    Counseling and therapy plan

    Please contact us if you are interested in renting a hyperbaric oxygen chamber.

  • Portable Hyperbaric Chamber For Home
    We offer the best hyperbaric oxygen chamber for home and personal use.
    You can choose a single-person, multi-person, sitting, lying, wheelchair version. You can pick up your ordered chamber in person at our headquarters, or you can also request home delivery with a courier service. We help you set up and train the operation of the chamber via video call.

    If you need it, we can arrange for our chamber technician to deliver it, install it, assemble it, commission it, set it up, and teach you how to use the system. We will always be online when you need us.

    Free after-care support and general advice are part of our service. Purchase of spare parts, repair or maintenance of the hyperbaric system is subject to a fee.

  • Hyperbaric oxygen therapy in prevention - vasoconstriction, circulatory disorders, inflammation, memory deterioration, chronic fatigue, sleep disturbances and many other cases.
    Rehabilitation and healing in your environment - chronic wounds, diabetic feet, diarrhea, stenosis, stroke, dementia, osteoporosis, multiple sclerosis, Crohn's disease, colitis,
    psoriasis, muscular dystrophy, birth defect, autism, cancer, glioblastoma, neuroblastoma, muscle, skin, bone implantation, plastic surgery, stem cell mobilization and many other cases.


Get In Touch.

For detailed information, please contact us!

Zombori Katalin - Manager

Hungarian pioneer of hyperbaric oxygen therapy
Ear acupuncture addictologist
Bach Flower Therapist

Contact Information
Where to Find Us

Czuczor street 27

Email Us At

Call Us At

Mobile: (+36) 20 548 7980
Phone: (+36) 76 431 510
Only hungarian language!